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La Bonne Excuse

blog critique gastronomique

Un bon alibi ! Au coeur du 7ème arrondissement de Paris, dans le quartier de Saint germain des prés, découvrez un bel endroit de convivialité au restaurant La Bonne Excuse. Entrez dans un décor moderne aux tons bruns et beiges. Le mobilier moderne, le mélange des matériaux, les vieilles pierres aux murs et les banquettes en cuir du restaurant La Bonne Excuse vous raviront. L'espace est aéré et les lumières tamisées et vous offrent un beau moment de romantisme et d'intimité. Côté cuisine, laissez vous guider par la cuisine du chef du restaurant La Bonne Excuse, José Cabado. Il vous propose une cuisine de saison, des produits frais, du poisson en provenance de Bretagne et des légumes de Rungis. Lors de votre dégustation, vous retrouverez une inspiration Aveyronaise pour une dégustation unique et gourmande. Débutez votre dégustation au restaurant La Belle Excuse avec une Poêlée de caille aux raisins, des Ravioles de langoustines Bretonnes ou avec un Foie gras de canard mi-cuit au torchon. Continuez votre repas au restaurant la Belle Excuse par une Souris d'Agneau 7h et confit de Bayaldi, un Sandre rôti et sa poêlée de blettes flambées au Cognac ou par un Pavé de veau label rouge et ses pommes noisettes accompagné d'oignons grelots. En dessert, fondez de plaisir au restaurant La Belle Excuse avec un Sablé breton aux agrumes, une Tarte fine aux pommes et caramel demi-sel ou avec un Coulant au chocolat Guanaja et sa sauce acidulée. Accompagnez votre dégustation d'une bouteille de vin que vous choisirez à la carte du restaurant La Bonne Excuse ! 

This was one of our favorite meals in Paris! Watching the chef create your meal was a treat. The food was perfectly cooked and prepared beautifully. The chefs wife helped us with the menu because our french is not very well. We had duck l'orange, lamb shank, cod fillet, apple tarte and all were perfection! If you are in paris go for lunch or dinner it is worth it!

    But brilliant he is, and delightful and welcoming is his wife, who runs the front of house. I started with a very simple dish of hyper-fresh raw oysters in an inventive (and perfectly balanced) take on the classic mignonette sauce: pureed green apples with shallots and a touch of cider vinegar. Paige loved her "cannelloni" of lobster, where the pasta was replaced by spinach leaves and served with a light, fragrant ginger sauce. My noix coquilles was just lovely (and again, surprising). Perfectly seared, fresh scallops ringed a bright salad of mache alternating with what looked like little boiled footballs of potato...mais non! Instead, the chef formed quenellles of celery root and balanced them on quarter sized disks of roasted purple potatoes for a visual and savory variation on your standard protein and starch combo. My gal relished her sea bass served on a ragout of girolle mushrooms that complemented the (again, ridiculously fresh) clean fish with an earthy, deep base.
     Desserts are a cut above as well; my darling, who is a meltingly gorgeous woman adored her molten chocolate cake (I know, this is almost a hackneyed dish after all these years, but good is good folks) and felt well rewarded for our museum marathon earlier. My apple tart (not tatin, but with a flaky pastry crust) was simply the very best apple tart of any kind I have ever tasted...period, end of discussion. Crispy, caramel coated and still bursting with sweet apple goodness...a perfect last meal for our sojourn in Paris.

This weekend I had one of the most amazing meals of my life at La Bonne Excuse. I hesitate to try to describe the food because words will surely fail to do it justice, but in the interest of sharing... for starters, I had oysters that were served raw but out of the shell resting on a lovely and intensely flavorful puree, which I suspect included shallots and lemon. My wife's starter was the most perfectly poached egg ever on top of cepes (better known by their Italian name, porcinis). Both were amazing! For mains, my wife had lamb chops cooked to medium rare perfection and with some kind of crunchy candied glaze loosely on top - hard to describe, but transcendently good! I had a pie containing quail, foie gras, and cepes. Insanely delicious, and perhaps the most perfect crust I have every experienced! But the best was yet to come - for desert we had figs with ginger ice cream along with the chef's signature apple tart. The tart takes a while to make and so has to be ordered early, but is well worth the early commitment. Never have I had such a perfectly light, crisp, and amazingly flavorful apple tart. I hadn't even ever considered that you could make an apple tart of such epic excellence - my mind has been opened!

Tél. :  (0)1 42 61 50 21
48, rue de Verneuil
75007 Paris
Métro : musée d'Orsay,
rue du Bac ou Solférino

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